Friday 30 January 2015

Ed Week 3: Freder

In terms of weeks, this has been a week of set-backs. Though we have sent off for our book from one company we sent off from a second for the sake of a comparison and the process of getting that book printed and sorted out has taken a very long time. Now it is finally complete however and it's such a big relief to know that I don't have to worry about it any more. It's taken up a fair portion of my week just getting that complete, but this week I've also finished off Freder and his upper-class clothing as well as beginning to put together the final book layout and actually start to include our work as opposed to placeholder images.

In the end, in the process of producing Freder's facial features I produced nearly 140 headshots.
I went back to sketching Freder after trying to use photo bashing to define his facial features. though I won't say no to using this method in the future and it did help me define his features better for these second lot of sketches, I found the process of finding relevant references for it time consuming and difficult, it was also very easy to become side tracked whilst looking. In the end it became a relevant step but a short one in the design process.

Over the course of designing him I did find myself becoming very fond of him, to me Freder is a character who's lack of responsibility and genuine power has left him insecure about himself despite the bluster that his sense of entitlement and the power of his father have left him with. 

Hopefully now that the setbacks of this week are done, I can get more produced next week when I should be producing my first setting for the book, either the pleasure garden or the city's cathedral.

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