Friday, 27 March 2015

Lucy, Week 9 - Finalising Workers City

09/03/2015: Day 1 – Robot guards
I started to create some robot designs using Eds originals for the design of Hel. I didn’t change much to the shape as I thought the original designs had really strong silhouettes. Below is my final design with colour. After that I drew them in different poses for when I placed them into the scene.

10/03/2015: Day 2 – Finalising Wardens
After I decided on the designs for the robots, I did some further human warden designs. Below are the results.
As we descussed, a few of them looked too formal. Ed quite liked the second design in. I prefered the right hand designs the most so I went on and design a few combinations of those previous designs.

11/03/2015: Day 3 – Final Warden design, adding people.
Below is the final full colour design for the human wardens. These also utilise the geometric designs and the pre determined colour scheme.

 Now that I had these designed, I started adding life to my final scene.  I started with sketching the generic worker crowd. For now these are just silhouettes. I plan to do a more in depth design of generic worker characters when it comes to polishing time. Below is what I have so far. I feel it captures the opressive feel that is forced upon the workers.

12/03/2015: Day 4 – Colour and Lighting
Now I have everything in place I started to colour and adjust the lighting. I really feel this piece isn’t working still. I plan to do what I can with this then looking back at my earlier designs. I probably will rework on of them into a final instead of my current final.

13/03/2015: Day 5 – Revisit sketches/Residential area
I realised that I never really explored the residential areas for the workers. I looked into slums and put together some photobashes. Below are the results.

I do like these pieces but I feel they work best as sketches and studies of the world rather than a final piece.

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