Monday, 9 March 2015

Lucy Week 7 - Workers city continued...again

23/2/2014: Day 1 – work on entrance
After sketching over the white-box renders, I decided to continue with the entrance concept. It seemed like the most solid design for this part of the project, that I find myself struggling to form my ideas. Now I feel I have some grasp and all I need to do is to continue designing.

24/2/2014: Day 2 – guards silhouettes
I decided to take a break from environment for today and began to design the guards for the workers city. These are the people that regulate the workers and keep them in line around the different facilities between the workers homes and the machine where they work.
Below are some silhouettes

I think I’m going to go on to some photo-bashing after this. It needs to be a uniform so keeping it simple yet still ornate to pick them out of the crowd is important to their design.

25/2/2015: Day 3 – trouble with scene (entrance)
I’m really struggling with this piece I’m finding it hard to add detail as there are several layers that are all merged as one. Below is what I have so far.

I may have to work out a way to make designing this piece easier. I’m worried its taking up too much time. If I don’t manage to work it out, I may have to crap it and try another design.

 26/2/2015: Day 4 – Entrance breakthrough
I decided to go back to the beginning of this piece and separate the layers of the image by redrawing it, this took up a lot of time but its made designing it easier.
I went on to design the containment tanks that separate the entrance doorways. The needed some intricate designing so I felt designing them separately would help.

27/2/2015: Day 5 – Guards further design
After seeing the design for Hel made by Ed. I thought that I could possibly use these for the guards rather than humans as I found it was hard to design the guard by making them look threatening. So I now feel that the majority of the guards could be the robots. These are what keep the workers inline around the city network. There will still be human guards but few and far between. Their main purpose is to check up on the robots and make sure they continue to function properly. I feel having faceless robots wondering around would be a lot more intimidating.

Below are some very basic further iterations I did for the guards. And also the circled designs for the robots are the ones I’m thinking of using.

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