16/03/2015: Day 1 –
Reference gathering/ silhouettes
I wasn't too sure what I
wanted the lab to look like, so I took to making a pinterest board. - https://www.pinterest.com/lucytstm/fmp-met-rotwang-labhouse/
I gathered
reference images of old science equipment, as well as modern sci fi inspirational
images. I then went on to make some silhouettes for the exterior of the lab/his
entire house.
17/03/2015: Day 2 –
Now that I had some ideas
going, I tried to start photo-bashing an interior. I found that I struggled with doing that
right away so I decided to work on the exterior more. I made more silhouettes
and after gathering some opinions from people and Ed, I picked the most
interesting silhouettes and decided to phototbash over the top of that.
This gave me an understanding
into the shape of the interior. So next I’m going to 3D model the white box for
the interior
18/03/2015: Day 3 – white
box exterior then interior
I spent today modelling the
exterior in 3D. I wanted to add detail so I could do a line drawing study over
the top of the render in photoshaop. Once I finished this I realised it gave me
the shape of the interior. I decided to add detail and render the interior using
different angles.
19/03/2015: Day 4 –
Photobash interior
With the interior renders I
made yesterday, I started to photobash over the top to work out how I wanted it
to look. I wanted it to look messy and manic. I didn’t see it as being similar
to any other structures in the world of metropolis but more of a mish mash of
found objects that rotwang then used for his inventions, as well as his whole
20/03/2015: Day 5 – choosing
After completing the
photobashes I asked for peoples opinions. Once I got a few I decided on a
mixture of what I have so far. This resulted in having 2 final images with
different center consoles. I decided to model these in 3D so I could understand
them better and create further in depth line drawings.
Now that I’m nearing a final, I’ve decided on what angle I want the final image to be. I want it to be a top down view of the center console. I also want the final concept to feature Rotwang working on his inventions.